Dr Pepper

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They also have a link to buy it on the game's website (gonehomegame.com).

3945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I love this series so much. This is the bench mark for what developers should be trying to work towards when making WRPG's. These guys are masters of detailed bigass worlds."

A little flaw in this is that these aren't the guys who usually make Elder Scrolls games. This isn't Todd Howard and the people at Bethesda Game Studios. These are developers at ZeniMax Online Studios. You can decide whether that is something to be more or less excited about, bu...

3954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

“We all make products for customers, and it's important that we listen to our customers when they have things to say to us."

"If people aren't happy they let you know, and they can cause trouble for you. I think it's important for companies to be customer-focused and be known as companies that listen.”

Some notable quotes to consider for those who want gamers to "stop complaining" or think "there’s one mistake that they al...

3954d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"-Fixed issue where music box would stay attached to the NPC when choking and then carrying a music box Overseer."

Glad to read this, it got annoying trying to move the body with a huge object obstructing your vision.

3954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Complaining does not equate to threatening a developer. I understand not taking something too far or becoming so invested you threaten people, and I think most would agree with that, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't express discontent with something.

I also would disagree that movies and games are so separate in how people react to them. There are film forums where people argue back and forth. Have you seen the IMDB message boards? It is not free of all the ...

3956d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Defintion of "complain", courtesy of Merriam Webster:

"to express grief, pain, or discontent"

I fail to see why expressing discontent about certain things is bad. This is in every industry and virtually every aspect of life, well beyond entertainment mediums. People voice displeasure. Why should the games industry be any different?

"Before you form an opinion on the game, you need to ensure you’ve pl...

3956d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every time I hear about this device, I'm always wondering how using it for extended periods of time would irritate/affect your eyes. While part of the solution may involve upping the resolution to take some of the strain away (as the author suggests), I doubt that will solve the issue as a whole.

3958d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, since they are including multiplatform games, I think it will be The Witcher 3. CD Projekt Red nailed the E3 trailer and the press that saw the demo behind closed doors were praising it. The previous two games were fantastic, and they seem to be expanding on every positive aspect.

3959d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm excited for The Brigmore Witches, that is a definite buy for me. Not really anything else that interests me though. I might use this time to pick up some older games that I may have missed out on.

3960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, I don't know what he meant, or at least what the article meant by using his quote. It looks like this write-up took a quote the guy was making about the skill required for such games, which nobody is really disputing, and then tried to apply it as him considering the gamers as athletes.

If Chris Kluwe was talking about how professional gamers are also athletes like a track star, or football player, I doubt he would then use the term "actual" and "real ...

3961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It's not as if they were real athletes, right?"

"Author, musician and Oakland Raiders punter Chris Kluwe disagrees. "I challenge you to watch a top ranked livestream of League and tell me there isn't just as much teamwork required as a successful TD pass," said Kluwe over Twitter. "As an actual real life athlete, I would like to point out that e-Sports takes just as much dedication and practice.""

He disagrees?...

3961d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have you ever played Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption? Knife of Dunwall for Dishonored? Shivering Isles for Oblivion? Those were worth the money as far as I'm concerned.

There is a lot of lackluster DLC, but there are also some really great add-ons out there.

3963d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those words seems to have lose their lighthearted comedic nature when sandwiched between calling him a "middle aged parasite" and "inconsequential limey f*ck".

Also, I still very much doubt NBC or Viacom would say it, then go "oh no wait, we were just quoting a cartoon, it was a joke" (which Phil didn't as far as I know). I don't know, I didn't find humor in the specific insults regardless of their origin, just in the overall tirade-...

3963d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"One thing for sure, if we don’t hear from them, I’m not going to be calling them names or posturing for other outlets to boycott them as a source."

But even if you did, I'm quite sure they wouldn't tell you to kill yourself.

3963d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If it's not representative of the final product, they probably shouldn't have used it.

A demo is for giving the user a taste of the final product. If the demo they put together doesn't do that, or they claim the final game is going to be different, they have nobody to blame but themselves (especially when they keep reusing that demo at events well after E3).

3964d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

"evidently know one figured out that i'm talking about splinter cell blacklist -_- "

Seeing as how you responded to a comment about Conviction, and used the same terminology as he/she did in a sarcastic manner to defend said game (devolving), it's kind of weird that you now claim to be talking about Blacklist.

3968d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"yes, adding more gameplay options and adding it so that people can play the game the way they want and being able to upgrade to suit it to your playstyle is the epitome of devolving"

Wow. So taking away: the ability to hide bodies, gadgets like sticky shockers, the ability to whistle, etc., was giving the player more options? What an odd world you live in.

Sorry, but unlimited ammo and an instant multi-kill button (mark and execute) are terribl...

3968d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

People with SD TVs could still play 360 games, regardless of small text in some games. I would like to see your crystal ball though, since you seem to know what I will be saying in 5 years.

3968d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


"...and HD graphics to take advantage of HD TVs and that worked out as Nintendo and Sony later followed that lead. Those advantages were looked at negatively at first as well."

Who exactly looked at "HD graphics" as a negative? When the 360 launched, it wasn't forcing you to buy a high definition television to play games.

Edit: Oops, didn't reply to your comment.

3968d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like a reasonable price to me (I'm sure that comes close to the 20 dollar cost in the states). Feel free to PM me and let me know what you think once you get around to playing them. It's not the best series for everybody due to its slow/sneaky pace (so mentally prepare for that), but I feel like for 12 you really can't go wrong.

3972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment